Bleeding gums? It’s a sign you need to visit your dentist as soon as possible.
Symptoms of gum disease include :
Bad breath
Bleeding gums when brushing teeth or otherwise
Sensitive, red or swollen gums
Teeth that are loose
Teeth appear to have shifted
If you are in need of advanced treatment for gum disease, Comfort Dental Centre is the best place to visit. Our expert dentists are committed to help you get the quality dentistry and care you deserve.
Our dental procedures such as periodontal treatment are recommended and carried out to help you achieve the healthiest mouth possible. Treatment methods for gum disease depend upon the type and severity of the dental condition.
The most common cause of gum disease is plaque build-up. When the pockets or spaces between teeth or gums get filled with bacteria, plaque and tartar, it causes irritation to the surrounding tissues leading to the development of gum disease.
When the bacterial plaque remain in the pocket space, they not only cause damage to the gums, but over time can also harm the bone that supports the teeth.
Here are the other factors that can increase your risk of gingivitis:
Injury to the gums
Poor nutrition
Adverse effects of certain medications
Rough or misaligned teeth
Gum Disease Treatments
we use laser to curettage (remove) the infected or inflamed gum tissue which promotes the new attachment of the gum tissue around the tooth.
Periodontal treatment can vary widely depending on how far the condition has progressed. If the gum disease is caught in mild, early stages (gingivitis) then a simple procedure will be effective. The treatment’s main objective is to remove the plaque and hard tartar build-up from below gum line and disrupt the bacteria that cause infection.
On the other hand, if the disease has already advanced (periodontitis) to the point that periodontal pockets are deep and the supporting bone is lost, a more complex treatment might be necessary.
To alleviate the symptoms of gum disease, your Comfort Dental team may perform scaling and root planning. If the pockets don’t heal after the treatment, periodontal surgery may be necessary.
Treatment for gum disease is as crucial as its prevention is. Without treatment, this serious oral health disease can cause detrimental effects on your mind and body. That’s why if you or your loved one is showing signs of gum disease, we encourage you to see us immediately.
Advanced Gum Treatment in Buderim at Comfort Dental Centre
Comfort Dental Centre provides expert care for healthy, beautiful smiles. Call our dental office to schedule a check-up, consultation or second opinion visit. We offer top-notch dentistry to patients from Buderim and surrounding areas.
Our Promotions
At Comfort Dental Centre Buderim in Sunshine Coast, our goal is to make quality dental care affordable. We encourage you to take advantage of our latest offers.
Senior Discount 10% senior discount on all the treatments.